Get involved

Build CityHouse with us.

Build CityHouse with us.



HouseTalks are small group meetings where we explore faith questions together in a friendly home environment. We believe that the church is a family, which is why HouseTalks are so important to us, as they are actually a relaxed family gathering.


HouseTalks are small group meetings where we explore faith questions together in a friendly home environment. We believe that the church is a family, which is why HouseTalks are so important to us, as they are actually a relaxed family gathering.


HouseTalks are small group meetings where we explore faith questions together in a friendly home environment. We believe that the church is a family, which is why HouseTalks are so important to us, as they are actually a relaxed family gathering.

Become a part of our team

We believe that the church makes sense and we enjoy building it. At CityHouse, we currently have several teams that are involved in the preparation and running of events that we organize. More important than your skills is your willingness to get involved. Everything you will need for service, we will teach you.

Become a part of our team

We believe that the church makes sense and we enjoy building it. At CityHouse, we currently have several teams that are involved in the preparation and running of events that we organize. More important than your skills is your willingness to get involved. Everything you will need for service, we will teach you.

Become a part of our team

We believe that the church makes sense and we enjoy building it. At CityHouse, we currently have several teams that are involved in the preparation and running of events that we organize. More important than your skills is your willingness to get involved. Everything you will need for service, we will teach you.

Become a CityHouse partner

We consider partnership as an expression that someone is truly at home among us. By becoming a partner, a person is not committing to anything special, and we don't even want anyone's signature, it's just about filling out an online form. The only requirement is baptism in water, which can be applied for through our Foundations of Christianity course.

Become a CityHouse partner

We consider partnership as an expression that someone is truly at home among us. By becoming a partner, a person is not committing to anything special, and we don't even want anyone's signature, it's just about filling out an online form. The only requirement is baptism in water, which can be applied for through our Foundations of Christianity course.

Become a CityHouse partner

We consider partnership as an expression that someone is truly at home among us. By becoming a partner, a person is not committing to anything special, and we don't even want anyone's signature, it's just about filling out an online form. The only requirement is baptism in water, which can be applied for through our Foundations of Christianity course.

Facebook group

The church is not just about meetings, but also about relationships and community. If you want to learn more about the church, join our community on Facebook.

Courses, seminars and events

Foundations of Christianity

Three times a year, always in February, May, and October, we organize a five-part course on the Foundations of Christianity, which is easily understandable even for those who have had nothing to do with the Christian faith in their lives.


Foundations of Christianity

Three times a year, always in February, May, and October, we organize a five-part course on the Foundations of Christianity, which is easily understandable even for those who have had nothing to do with the Christian faith in their lives.


Foundations of Christianity

Three times a year, always in February, May, and October, we organize a five-part course on the Foundations of Christianity, which is easily understandable even for those who have had nothing to do with the Christian faith in their lives.


Sabbath course

We invite you to a Sabbath course, where we will learn how to stop and leave behind the performance mentality in these hectic times.


Sabbath course

We invite you to a Sabbath course, where we will learn how to stop and leave behind the performance mentality in these hectic times.


Sabbath course

We invite you to a Sabbath course, where we will learn how to stop and leave behind the performance mentality in these hectic times.


Přespávačka CityKids

Přespávačka je jak pro všechny děti Citykids, tak mohou děti pozvat i svého kamaráda, spolužáka nebo někoho blízkého ve svém věku.


Přespávačka CityKids

Přespávačka je jak pro všechny děti Citykids, tak mohou děti pozvat i svého kamaráda, spolužáka nebo někoho blízkého ve svém věku.


Přespávačka CityKids

Přespávačka je jak pro všechny děti Citykids, tak mohou děti pozvat i svého kamaráda, spolužáka nebo někoho blízkého ve svém věku.


Your contribution helps to build a church that helps people