Background Youth

Background is a place where young people from CityHouse aged 13 to 18 gather. At Background, we strive to create a safe environment where everyone can be themselves and experience genuine acceptance. At each meeting, we have a short reflection from the Bible that we aim to apply to everyday life, whether it's about self-worth, relationships, identity, or self-discovery. Most of all, we just want to be together, build relationships, talk, and support each other. We meet every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at Base camp.



Thursday 17:30

Thursday 17:30



Hyběšova 51

Hyběšova 51



13-18 years

13-18 years

Safe environment

Do you know what troubles young people today? Often they feel like they don't belong anywhere. Fear of judgment and loneliness is very common nowadays, which is why we are building Background as a place where this fear can stay behind doors. Our goal is for young people to be able to feel like themselves, not be afraid to express themselves, and know that they are safe. Our leaders are trained to respond to challenging situations and work with young people going through difficult periods. We strive to be a safety net for them, always ready to help and support them.

Ondřej Srba

Background Youth leader

Ondřej Srba

Background Youth leader

Ondřej Srba

Background Youth leader

Everyone has a story, everyone has value, everyone has a future.

Become part of what's happening in CityHouse